
Remote Support Tool Download

When asked you can run our remote support tool to let us see your screen and assist. Please select the download under your operating system.

Microsoft Windows

Download for Windows »

Once downloaded please run our tool to start the session. You may be asked to enter your name and email address.

Apple Mac

Download for Apple Mac »

Once downloaded please open the file and run the SolarWinds Remote Support Applet, you will be asked for a code that will be provided by us to start the session

Apple has introduced a new security requirement for all remote support solutions as of MacOS 10.14 (Mojave) that limits Remote Access control unless permissions are granted.

Our tool tool will list the permissions required and take you to your Mac settings to allow them. Please make sure all permissions are allowed.

To grant permissions you will need to unlock your Mac settings with the padlock and then tick the box next to SolarWinds Remote Support Applet

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