
Testimonial from Kirsty Tyler for Providing a Laptop

Dear John,

I am writing to thank you for your help in sourcing and providing a laptop for our teenage son.  Although my husband works in IT, I suggested to him that you might be able to get a better deal than we could find for ourselves online and, thank goodness, you proved me right!

You saved us the many hours of research which normally we normally spend on this type of purchase, plus the bickering about whether this feature or that is more important.  

Lastly, while so many businesses try to ‘upsell’ with every transaction, I would like to thank you for sticking to our budget.

All in all, your service was quick, efficient, easy, and came up with the right solution at the right price.

Many thanks,

About Kirsty Tyler

Kirsty is a financial adviser.

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